“With humor, warmth, and wisdom, Fran and Eve have captured the essence of why millions of people are attracted to the game of pickleball. Within these pages you will meet the movers and shakers of the pickleball craze sweeping the country and learn how these visionaries are growing the sport. You will hear from beginners and pros alike, and understand how the game impacts everyday wellness and social connections. And you will glean clever ideas on throwing the perfect pickleball party for your new friends.”
Donna Whitehall | Pickleball enthuisiast
"Fran and Eve connect with the readers through these remarkable pickleball stories. What a fun and easy read, which shares how people experience love, happiness, and resilience all through the great game of pickleball. After reading this book, it makes me want to grab a paddle and start playing"
Rafa Toro | Director of Tennis and Pickleball at Porters Neck Country Club
“The Heart of Pickleball captures the contagious spirit and seductive appeal of pickleball in the most engaging way through personal stories of players at all levels. I read it in one sitting! My invitation to you is to start your game. 0-0, let’s have fun.”
Rob Cahill | World Champion, First Men’s Doubles Gold Champion, 1976

The Authors

Fran Scharf | Co-Author
Fran Scharf has been married for almost 40 years to her husband Larry, splitting their time between Redding, Connecticut and Wilmington, North Carolina. They have have raised two beautiful children together. In addition to playing pickleball and traveling, Fran and Larry enjoy playing with and watching their two grandsons grow and are anxiously awaiting the birth of their first granddaughter. Fran has always had a knack for helping people.  When she was a kid, her mom would joke that she took care of the entire neighborhood by the time she was 4. As she got older, the desire and passion to assist others navigate through difficult situations grew and led her to become a financial advisor. She has worked in the financial field for over 35 years, helping people to understand and maximize their financial world.

Personal wellness has been a lifelong interest of hers.  Helping others achieve their own wellbeing has been an extension of this focus. Pickleball has solidified for Fran how important good health and social connections are in being able to live one’s best life.  She was compelled to write this book because of the powerful nature pickleball has to bring joy and social wellbeing to people. Fran thought that it might inspire someone to try something new to move themselves forward.
Eve Hanna, MD | Co-Author
Eve Hanna was born in upstate New York and has lived in 16 different cities.  She and her husband have recently settled outside of Charlotte, North Carolina where they are eagerly awaiting the birth of their first grandchild. She comes from a musical family and has a great appreciation for the Arts, but her strengths in science and learning led her to pursue a career in medicine.  As an MD, she started her practice in Emergency Medicine and transitioned into Occupational Medicine where she found her passion for wellness. In retirement, she began a new adventure as a book author.  She was inspired by pickleball, encouraged by meeting her co-author and knew that “The Heart of Pickleball” was the book that needed to be written.  The world of pickleball is filled with incredibly positive and friendly people and she’s delighted to share their stories with readers.  
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